Nov. 3, 2020 Voter Guide

Hello and welcome to the 2020 San Antonio Democratic Socialists of America Voters Guide.

There are no San Antonio DSA or National DSA endorsed candidates on this guide. The candidates in this guide are recommended by SADSA’s Local Council, but none were endorsed by the chapter. Our chapter votes on formal endorsements and candidates/propositions must seek the endorsement of SADSA. Several community members have reached out to SADSA for a voters guide, so we have created one. It is by no means expansive and does not cover every race in our area, but we hope this can help inform your decisions if you’re looking to a socialist organization for electoral advice. Our struggles go beyond the ballot box, but it is a site of struggle that we cannot withdraw from,we can take it back if we fight together. Join San Antonio DSA.

We know during a presidential year, much of the attention focuses on the top of ticket, but local and state races arguably have just as much impact on our daily lives. Neither presidential candidate nor party represents the interest of working people. Unfortunately for many state and local voters, neither do the candidates running for these positions either. We chose to opt for a recommendation on more local races, as these races are less often highlighted, and on toss up or close races. If a candidate is in a solid district, running unopposed, or opposed via third party only, we opted to not recommend.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not email

Click here to view full voter guide

San Antonio DSA

San Antonio DSA is a local chapter of DSA National that operates in San Antonio and the surrounding area. We build and support working class movements for social change while establishing an openly anti-capitalist presence in San Antonio through community organizing, using a variety of tactics from direct action to mutual aid to electoralism.

Move Texas United Statement